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Maryland Aviation Administration Sound Proofing Program, BWI Airport

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MIMAR was hired to correct the design upgrades based
on a previous in-use design manual prepared by another
national firm for the Maryland Aviation Administration -
Homeowners’ Assistance Program. MIMAR installed the
ERV (Energy Recovery System) which is more cost effective
and easier to operate.

Mimar was part of the design team for this original contract from 2000-2007 to provide comprehensive design services to MAA under BWI Airport’s Noise Abatement program now called the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP).


Mimar was hired to implement design upgrades based on a previous in-use design manual prepared by another national firm. Mimar challenged the methodology of the previous design manual and introduced the ERV (Energy Recovery System). This system was more cost-effective to install, easier to operate, and a major savings in energy costs. Under the original contract, Mimar completed extensive design services including HVAC and window replacement for more than 120 houses.


Currently, due to the effectiveness of the EVR system, MAA has developed the RSIP to initiate the ERV upgrades to some additional houses around BWI. Due to our experience with the previous program and our knowledge of the ERV system, Mimar was once again brought on as part of the design team to provide Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) devices with dedicated electrical circuit for whole house ventilation for the homes under the new program.


The scope of work includes sound proofing of all homes within a five-mile radius of the airport. Mimar is providing mechanical engineering services for the HVAC design and ducted combustion air from exterior to fuel burning water heater and furnace located in lower level and provide electrical appliance load evaluation to verify existing electrical panel loads and capability to accommodate new ERV. The new systems are typical location is in attic space for ease of access to drywall ceilings vs. cutting and patching of walls and adding new duct chases. Mimar has completed four tasks under this contract thus far, with twenty – two (22) houses per tasks. The program renovations included:


Assistance for Residential Soundproofing – Glen Burnie Park: Mimar surveyed the townhouses and documented the existing conditions including HVAC and electrical systems. Analyzed and prepared preliminary recommendation reports and coordinated with MAA and prepared final recommendation report and cost estimates. 


Residential soundproofing of all timber construction homes: Performed field surveys, documented existing conditions, and prepared preliminary and final recommendation reports.


Residential Sound Insulation Program Specifications – Revised: Mimar thoroughly reviewed specifications and details for all mechanical systems and coordinated findings with MAA and previous consultant and made preliminary recommendations. Researched, analyzed, made final recommendations, and specified new products/ materials.

Architectural Details: Created architectural details from design development phase through the construction documentation phase for MAA.

ERV Research: Provided detailed and extensive research on ERV systems

Prepared Architectural Sections of Typical Residences Soundproofing: Mimar provided designs for residential windows to augment the entire soundproofing process for the HAP.  Also prepared a detailed report of the comparison between several different manufacturers, and STC ratings were provided for cost and effectiveness.


Due to great track record, MAI has been working at BWI as prime and sub for last ten years

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