Brighton Dam Administrative Facility & Visitors Center, Brookeville, MD
Project Gallery
The design of a new 4000 SF facility. Project included design of a visitors/ permitting center, to house a community meeting room and associated public spaces including a bird watching area, staff offices with kitchen and washroom/ shower facility. Design included building structural, HVAC design, electrical and plumbing, site lighting design, site well and septic system design and civil/ site design. Scope of work included programming, interior design, survey and documentation of existing site and parking areas, site development, 3D modeling, and construction documents. This building was programmed and designed to LEED standards.
Mimar provided architecture and engineering services for a new signature 4,000sf two-story facility to house the Patuxent Watershed Unit at the Brighton Dam facility. This new building is programmed and designed to LEED standards and will be the public centerpiece for the WSSC’s 5600-acre Patuxent River complex and dam, which provides drinking water for one third of the Commission’s 1.8 million customers.
Details of the new building include an environmentally friendly structure for visitor center, public gathering room, educational maps area, permits office, and picnic/bird watching area. The office suite with a kitchenette accommodates 14 staff members as well as include shower and locker rooms, a multipurpose conference room, a location for the secure storage of communications equipment and a general storage area.
The scope of design services includes the complete removal of trailers that had been in use since the 1950s, renovation of the parking areas to improve ingress and egress, provide a new fueling station with two 4000-gallon USTs located in a secure area, a new septic field that includes a holding tank and BAT system for Nitrogen removal. The potable water well’s capacity was increased, and supply water lines were replaced. The project also includes a 30,000-gallon dry fire hydrant for firefighting. Rainwater harvesting is used to provide grey water for plumbing and irrigation. The air handling units will be equipped with dual enthalpy airside economizers.